L&P Editor
Fundación Libertad y Progreso has expressed itself in favor of freedom of commerce as an essential part of growth, efficient job creation and meeting the needs of society. This principle becomes even more valid in emergency situations such as the one currently experienced in the world and in Argentina, with the COVID 19 pandemic. This leads us to express our coincidence and support for the statement produced by the Geneva Network, which we accompany.

The integration and commercial opening to the world are consistent with the promotion of free trade agreements and with the reduction until its suppression, of import duties. In the same sense, customs procedures that act as barriers should be avoided. Symmetrically, there should be no export prohibitions that usually appear with the rebuttable argument of ensuring domestic supply. Trade is a two-way street and competition is what really encourages production and innovation to respond to any circumstantial shortfall. This should become a general policy, but even more so in the current emergency, particularly with regard to medical supplies and medicines.
Attacking the pandemic urgently requires producing an effective vaccine. Research tasks to this end require a free flow of health and epidemiological data at the international level. Research and development must respect intellectual property, as an application of property law, another essential value of the market economy. Health-related authorities must cooperate with the urgency of the pandemic, not unnecessarily delaying approvals of vaccines and medicines. This will be the best way to eradicate COVID19 without the enormous damage that quarantines cause.
To know the measures set forth in the Geneva Network Declaration you can visit the following Link: https://geneva-network.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/A-Joint-Declaration-on-the-Importance-of-Collaboration_ESP.pdf