Ivan Cachanosky
Lic. in Business Administration. Master in Applied Economics of the UCA. PhD in Economics from the UCA.

Diego Piccardo
Economic Analyst in Libertad y Progreso.
EL INTRANSIGENTE – According to the study of some private consulting firms, a rise in retail prices of over 2% is estimated in the second semester. For its part, INDEC will publish the Consumer Price Index (CPI) next Thursday, to know the relay that officially monitors inflation. The consulting firms assure that this increase is due to the expansionary policies of the Central Bank, and the increase in some rates.
Economists Iván Cachanosky and Diego Piccardo, from the Fundación Libertad y Progreso, indicated that the cost of living stood at 2.6% during the month of July. In turn, they ensure that the easing of the quarantine towards the opening of shops and reopening of joint ventures are also taken into account to analyze the acceleration in prices between July and December.
Most consulting firms argued that the increase in inflation in the second quarter is due to the expansionary policy of the Central Bank, which devalues between 2% and 3% per month, and the increase in rates, according to NA. The Consumer Price Index prepared by the Orlando Ferreres y Asociados (OJF) consultancy registered a rise of 2.2% in July, marking an annual increase of 43.4%.
On the other hand, the consulting firm Analytica projected for the seventh month of the year that prices will increase by 2.3%. Likewise, from EcoGo Consultores they estimated that there will be a rise of 2.1% and the accumulated for the year will be 41%. As mentioned, the easing of the quarantine with commercial opening and the negotiation of joint ventures are one of the points that will accelerate prices in this period.
Likewise, the consulting firm Ecolatina estimated that in the month of July the price index will have a floor of 2%, and that the year will close around 40%, a little above the survey carried out by the Central Bank, which registered a increase of 38.5% in year-on-year comparison. Finally, the LCG consultation considered that July prices were above between 2.5% and 3%.