We are falling behind

Photo Agustin Etchebarne
Agustín Etchebarne
General director en Libertad y Progreso

Economist specialized in Economic Development, Strategic Marketing and International Markets. Professor at the University of Belgrano. Member of the Liberal Network of Latin America (RELIAL) and Member of the Institute of Ethics and Political Economy of the National Academy of Moral and Political Sciences.

Desafío Esportador – Deep Learning and the Educational Revolution: In his masterful 2005 book, The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, Ray Kurzweil anticipated what accelerating technological change means. Moore’s law, which in 1970 predicted that computers would double in capacity every two years, had been extended to various technologies. The duplication at first didn’t seem like a big deal. If you increase the capacity of a computer from 2 to 4 kilobytes, it is equivalent to writing half a page to a full page. But forty years later, the same rate of change implies going from 2 to 4 Terabytes (4,000,000,000,000 bytes), equivalent to going from one million to two million 500-page books. In the next decade with the same amount of money we will have the capacity to house information equivalent to 64 million books. This rate of duplication today is applicable to robotics, biogenetics, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and new disciplines such as biomimetics.

The world is heading into an era of plenty, where solar power will be cheaper than coal and the prices of food, transportation, water, and almost all products will plummet. We are heading into an economy where the marginal costs of many products will be zero. At the same time, algorithms, machines and robots will free humans from all the boring and repetitive jobs that are equivalent to 50% of today’s jobs. The pessimists believe that this will generate a great “technological unemployment”, but today we know that this does not happen in the most advanced countries. The US, Germany and Israel had less than 4% unemployment in 2019.

The creativity of the man who frees him from boring jobs also multiplies ideas and creates new, more sophisticated and entertaining jobs. Thus, we face a world of immense opportunities, but also of immense challenges. The jobs of the future will require skills that are difficult to replicate by machines: creativity, imagination, research, emotional intelligence, arts, music, empathy, spiritual intelligence …

The EDUCATIONAL REVOLUTION is key and urgent.

Children entering kindergarten today will graduate as professionals into a world of abundance, where entirely new problems will arise. For example, bioethical problems are likely to be more important than climate change, which today terrifies the world excessively.

The new education will be considered as a journey, where the teacher is an accompanying guide and tutor, but where the protagonist is the student who will travel unknown paths and, at each crossing, it will be the student who freely decides how to continue his exploration. Education will gradually adapt to your own personal needs and abilities.

ill use assistance to get to know and help their students. Students will be able to create their own curriculum, based on their own interests and abilities. This will create a rich learning environment. Students will study a topic on their own or in groups and then present them to the discussion table, where, guided by the teacher, they will discuss with a higher level of understanding and seek new solutions to real problems, with new answers ALWAYS TEMPORARY, developing critical thinking. and respect for others. The teacher will also have prior knowledge of where they got stuck in the investigations carried out by their students in order to be able to solve them together.

The Japanese complement this type of learning by reading one book a week, which gives them the possibility of having read about 500 books by the end of high school. Add to that the arts, yoga, meditation, dance, music and sports or martial arts, and we can imagine what the world competition will be like in a couple of decades. Then the Strong Artificial Intelligence will arrive, which will be able to surpass human beings in multiple disciplines.

Meanwhile, Argentina remains buried in archaic problems, fighting to distribute a smaller and smaller cake. And the education system has been replaced by a union-led indoctrination system that aims to make children feel that they are being oppressed by the capitalist system, producing young people who victimize themselves and generate permanent hatred and conflict.

We are falling behind.
