Enrique Blasco Garma
INFOBAE – Wealth, the value of individual economic rights, capitalizes on personal income. The value of the goods produced and paid efforts. Rich societies are not perfect; they are hardly the ones that advanced the most in the competition of equal, fair and stable rules for their people. Nations with the highest per capita income lead the rankings for institutional quality, individual freedoms, high competition, and low corruption. Hosting just 10% of humanity, they generate half of the world’s GDP.
Corruption does not occur only in transactions with the State, but it consists of twisting, accommodating, the general rules to the person and occasion. Injustice, privileging those indicated by the leaders. Reduced pensions and exorbitant taxes for ordinary people; privilege retirements and tax breaks for favorites. Corruption is the mechanism to benefit the favorites by lagging the population that strives to produce better Corruption is the mechanism to benefit the favorites by lagging the population that strives to produce better
The impositions of power denigrate the peoples. When they embraced new ideas, they illuminated the revolutions against the corruptions of the leaderships. By changing history, they opened up to the Progress of Humanity. The Glorious Revolution of 1688, in England; the Revolution and Constitution of the USA, of 1776 and 1788; the French Revolution of 1789. And the defeat of the Rosas tyranny, culminating in the Constitution of 1853/60 in Argentina.
The Argentine liberation attracted millions of workers from all over the planet; the population rose from 520,000 inhabitants in 1820, to 1.9 million in 1869 (33% immigrants); 3.4 million in 1890; and 7.7 million in 1913, with the highest income in the world. Regrettably, the admired progress faded with the world Great Depression of 1930 and the precipitous decline in recent decades of ideological confusion. Democracy does not empower anything. People progress only by competing against corruption and unwanted impositions.
Competitive games, like soccer, consist of equal and stable rules for all players. They organize an impartial justice structure so that the rules applied do not change according to sympathy. The competition is of skillful players in the game with invariable rules. Democracy does not enable anything. People progress only by competing against corruption and unwanted impositions
On the other hand, countries that privilege acts to satisfy hierarchs corrupt their peoples. It is not surprising that uncompetitive political systems enthrone incompetent people.
Impositions vs. Competencies
Two alternatives of national organizations. Impositions of leaders to attend to their wishes. Or competitions summoning the abilities of the people to better satisfy the needs of each one, as it suits them. It is not surprising that competitive nations achieve far higher incomes and authoritarian nations are poor. Income increases with certain rules.
Not surprisingly, competitive nations achieve far higher incomes and authoritarian nations, such as Venezuela, are poor.
People differ in looks and knowledge. Also in needs and skills to satisfy them. Since income increases by coordinating activities, the question is to agree to develop individual jobs that better address their needs. There are two alternatives for solving personal needs and skills deficiencies. The primitive impulse is to seize the missing by force or deception. The dominant hierarchs impose their will in acts of meager results, confirming the deficits of the state entities and the poverty of the majority of the peoples. Violations of law, impositions, destroy, never create value and discourage the cooperation of the people Violations of law, impositions, destroy, never generate value and discourage the cooperation of the people
Trading is the fruitful way to overcome conflicts of interest. Agree on exchanges of personal surpluses and shortages. Free interactions from unnecessary violations, traps, and obstacles. May each party benefit by giving something that he values less than what he receives in return. Sharing both parties the profits.
Voluntary exchanges, transactions, are the only ones that create value. The miracle that both parties benefit from attending to different individual shortages. That vary in time. As they learn, discover new skills, new needs arise. And they are agreeing to settle the differences of some individuals with others.
Issuing without endorsement is usurping rights
The confusion is so general in Argentina that analysts affirm that the monetary issue is the obligatory means to finance public spending in the absence of credit. In truth, issuing currency without support entails seizing non-consensual rights, validating the imposition of expenses so unwanted by the population that they did not even agree to finance them. The confusion is so widespread in Argentina that analysts affirm that monetary issuance is the obligatory means to financing public spending in the face of the absence of credit (Reuters) The confusion is so widespread in Argentina that analysts affirm that monetary issuance is the required means of financing public spending in the face of the absence of credit (Reuters)
The pesos depreciate with rising prices. The damage is compounded when rulers blame traders for price hikes and deny rate adjustments. Violations that trap in a growing maelstrom of traps that empower officials and impoverish the population. Those who have less affection and local assets emigrate, abandon, plunging us into greater poverty.
The tensions between competencies of individuals to satisfy their needs and impositions to satisfy authoritarian leaders mark the national income.
To greater violations of freedoms, lower skills and income. Imposing, prohibiting, is the mother of inefficiencies and corruption. Instead of rewarding activities that are valuable to the common people, they reward those who are valuable to leaders. That is why salaries and pensions for common people are much lower than those of officials who are valuable to the powerful. Corruption renders hierarchical societies and officials ineffective, with greater violations of freedoms, lower powers and income. Impose, prohibit, is the mother of inefficiencies and corruption
The per capita income of each country increases with individual freedom to compete. And they are reduced by unwanted impositions, prohibitions and corruption. The graph illustrates the income of 195 countries. The least free, with corrupt and uncertain rules, are poorer. The more stable the rules, the higher the revenue and the competition, the less corruption.
Authoritarian societies are unjust, corrupting at their core. Their peoples cannot wait for certain rules. Neither courts nor impartial judges, nor that the laws, rights, are equal for each individual. The deception of democracies where the leaders appropriate the rights of the people, weakening the judicial authorities, the media, electoral systems and institutional structures.
After two decades of exuberant export prices, the income of Argentines is 30% lower than the world average.