The merits, the rich, the living and the fools

LA NACIÓN – “In a neighborhood of rich men, without weapons or grudges, it is only money and not love”. That was the legend that the police found when they managed to enter the bank in the town of San Isidro that suffered, in its safe deposit boxes, what was called “the robbery of the century”, a general robbery of which this month fifteen years.

This is how President Alberto Fernández seems to be, without arms or grudges in a government of the rich, and not precisely because of his love affairs; at least according to his statements not long ago regarding the true robbery of the century.

A government of the rich that governs for the rich, who are themselves. They are the “rich men” who do not bother Juan Grabois or Luis D’Elía, those who have money that they do not hate.

The author of the phrase “this with Néstor did not happen”, famous for so repeated in the channels to which the former head of Cabinet of the viceregal marriage went, this time he was charged with the dirty work.

The first task on that wish list is impunity for all those accused of corruption, for which it should not save on expenses, including – if possible – the displacement or neutralization of the Supreme Court justices that they themselves later appointed. of having displaced the members of the previous one with a stroke of the pen.

The task cannot be accomplished in any way, subtly or silently, for example. The hatred of the leaders demands, in addition to revenge against enemies, the humiliation of those who once deserted from their ranks. That is why the President must grossly and ostensibly contradict each and every one of the public statements with which he had recently censured the main actions of the government from which he had just emerged. One day the memorandum with Iran would become a solution for Justice; later it turned out that prosecutor Alberto Nisman had committed suicide; on another occasion, the union member Hugo Moyano would become an exemplary leader who unfairly almost no one recognizes; Again, the city where he lived at ease for years in his most expensive neighborhood would shame him because of its opulence, and, as always, the culprits would be the media, for which shortly before he had made a veritable rally to sentence that her former boss’s actions were deplorable.

The denial must be crude, unscrupulous, without leaving a way out or a doubt that allows saving the honor of the word. That is the style of Kirchnerism. It could hardly be ignored by whoever had seen it from within.

In a story entitled “El illustrious love”, Manuel Mujica Lainez fantasizes the story of a single woman, underestimated even by her family, who had never left her home, but earned the respect of all by crying inconsolably in the middle of the funeral of the Viceroy Melo, whom he did not know.

The head of the Executive Branch imagines that he will obtain the indulgence of the campers for crying over the fate of the vice president, whom he does know. And this with the forgiveness of Pedro Melo of Portugal, who made a good government in the viceroyalty of Río de la Plata, since in addition to his efforts to secure the borders, he was one of those who promoted the paving of Buenos Aires, where even today he is buried. Has the opulence of the city then begun? With opulence and all, one day the plague arrived (Covid-19, in this case) and, with it, the opportunity to strengthen the presidential image. Or at least that was the dream.

But it occurred to someone that, along with the freedom of the usual suspects, it was necessary to promote the freedom of thousands of detainees for the most diverse causes, including crimes against the physical and sexual integrity of people. In this way, the shame would be complete and the anger, capital. In which ears was the noise of the pans loudest?

In politics, whoever acts overreacts. And that’s how the expropriation of a grain company was also ordered. Who could not imagine that the silent majority would not see in those actions the advantage of their own confinement? There was no national date that did not summon citizens to the streets to ask for a little dignity.

“I was wrong, I thought they were going to go out and celebrate,” the President excused himself when he revoked his own measure, as if that were an argument to promote an expropriation. But the people had indeed come out to celebrate; to celebrate the autonomy of their will against the fraudulent exploitation of the confinement.

And about the end of a black year, the negotiation with death. The exploitation of a massive funeral in the Government House, the uncontrolled and crowded crowd in the least suitable place for such a convocation and the absurd spectacle of a president wielding a megaphone to give predictably useless directives.

Then, abortion, a law that not even the former president wanted to be sanctioned when she governed (that is, when she governed as such), but that the current president wanted to hang like a green cock and show that he was winning progressivism to his mentors, among other reasons that will probably never be seen. All at Christmas time and shortly after receiving help from the Vatican for the negotiations with the IMF. A model of gratitude that will undoubtedly be recognized by the president even by the smallest of altar boys.

After that, the dark negotiations with doubtful vaccines, the accelerated efforts to prioritize them and the ridiculously epic tone infused to the transport trips of the vials. If those vaccines were to eventually harm the health of a significant number of people, it will not be the former eastern countries’ closest friends in government who will be exposed.

Today it seems that an eternity has passed since the candidate Alberto Fernández was able to attract a part of the middle class to his campaign with the smiling motto: “We will return to be better.” And yes, there are people who can always improve on certain habits. And since the habit does not make the monk, this time no one is going to throw bags in a convent.

The vice-presidential directive is today asphyxiating the private health system. When the middle class depends even on the government for its life, the stage will be almost ready to run to the supporting actors and represent the Venezuelan tragedy.

Meanwhile, in an effort to demonstrate his seventies orthodoxy, the President spoke out against merit. Microphone in hand, before an audience, he proclaimed that he did not believe that merit was what makes us grow, “because the dumbest of the rich has many more possibilities than the most intelligent of the poor,” he sentenced.

Is it so? If this is true, the example does not seem to be Lázaro Báez, who quickly progressed from his position as a bank employee to having 1,412 properties, largely thanks to his friendship with Néstor Kirchner, the president “with whom this did not happen”, as Mr. Alberto Fernández himself said when it had not yet occurred to him that they could return to be better.

However, he must have had some foundation to launch that apothegm. Credit will have to be given. For something he became president.
