INFOBAE – Ignoring the natural laws that determine each science, and leaning towards discretionary actions, only leads to backwardness and loss of opportunities for society as a whole.
Knowledge advanced to humanity, although during the first hundreds of thousands of years of history, increases in knowledge and productive skills only managed to increase the population, with consumption remaining barely covering the subsistence level. Each productive variation matched demographic ups and downs, Thomas Malthus noted.
It was only in the seventeenth century, with the spread of private property rights, that individual productivity gains began. The pace has accelerated so much that, in the last 50 years, the world’s population has tripled and income per person has quadrupled. Productive capacities are now, on the general average 12 times higher than 1970, with wide gaps between countries as recognized by private property.
It is a general bad to encompass different concepts. The laws of politicians are for the State to direct individual acts; and the laws of scientists respond to nature and human relationships, which are not subject to the decision of politicians. For example, the Law of Gravity, of thermodynamics, of supply and demand, among others.With the diffusion of private property rights, the gains of individual productivity began
The social sciences discover complex relationships, testable over time, that are independent of the wishes of politicians. At present, the world economy encompasses 8,000 million independent individuals, with different skills, views, institutional environments, which are expanding according to their specialization and commercial ties. Economic laws are verified in sometimes considerable times, influencing variations in property rights.
The book “For a Fairer and Flourishing Country” discovers that the corruption of diverse norms, applied according to personal sympathies, activities, stories, times, is contrary to competition: the collaborative process that expands the productive capacities of society to satisfy needs individual members.
They illustrate the Holy Scriptures at the Tower of Babel. The confusion of speaking different languages at once (applying different rules to the same event) prevented understanding to build the tower that would reach the sky.
Corruption impoverishes competition. Argentina’s staggering economic decline is the consequence of exacerbating corruption. While proclaiming: “it is to achieve competitiveness”, according to the fable of the “exchange backwardness”, violating appropriations of property and freedoms were promoted.
Societies are only as competitive as people’s incomes. The United States is the most competitive nation in America: its people earn the most income and where multitudes aspire to immigrate.
Rulers seduced by fantasies copy Don Quixote. They fight against the windmills, when they impose rules contrary to the Laws of Knowledge. As much as top politicians decided to abolish the Gravity Law, they couldn’t for a minute. The greatest dictator cannot change Scientific Laws, as they do not respond to personal wishes. They can barely ignore Economic Laws for a while, until people react. As in the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China, with such dire results and hundreds of millions of deaths. After the disappearance of Mao Zedong, the Chinese leaders rectified course and deregulated activities.
While Argentine politicians imposed increasing arbitrary burdens on productive activities, the Chinese freed them. The consequence: the average purchasing power of Argentines fell to a third of that of 1980, that of Chinese multiplied 11 times.
Countries lag behind and advance at the pace recognized by Economic Laws. The table shows the average income, in 2020, and the proportion of the purchasing power of the Latin American countries than they had in 1980. Societies advance and income improves as they recognize competitive private property.
For this reason, nations that earn more than before are called advanced. They are the ones that made the most progress in strengthening private property. Corruption hinders that process. Venezuela and Argentina are the countries whose income lost the most purchasing power in the last 40 years, estimated at the official exchange rate.
Populism and liberalism
Various governments weaken individual rights. They appropriate and distribute what is foreign to gain power, even if it impoverishes the country. The game is to vilify the adversaries; populists invent the figure of neoliberalism. They do not dare to attack liberalism, the promoter of personal liberties. The game is to revile the adversaries; populists invent the figure of neoliberalism. They do not dare to attack liberalism, the promoter of personal liberties. The game is to revile the adversaries; populists invent the figure of neoliberalism. They dare not attack liberalism, the promoter of personal freedoms
Liberalism valued individual rights. There is no sustainable progress without freedoms, without individual rights, as they claim, disregarding Scientific Laws.
The decline of Argentina comes from ignoring Economic Laws. People associate as long as they are governed by equal and fair rules, and that political laws satisfy Economic Laws. The motto of the French Revolution: “the same law and measure for all people, for all times.” Fulfilling that motto is the heart of the competition, it leads to the highest income and individual properties. While highlighting the “efforts to contain prices” and “the table of the Argentines”, they breathe monetary emission and put stones to production
Quixote illustrates: “the madness of fighting against the windmills”. Scientific Laws prevail over ideological stories. However, trying to gain power, some politicians apply different rules, discriminate against people according to their sympathy and circumstance.
Argentina imposes arbitrary burdens on competitive activities and encourages less productive ones, a recipe that impoverishes. They justify setbacks by inventing outlandish theories; useful as long as the population is enchanted by the stories, the “efforts to contain prices” and “the table of the Argentines”, while they breathe monetary issue and put stones to production. As long as the charm lasts, it serves politicians. In times of covid-19 vaccines are worth saving lives and must be applied to that priority purpose. Corruption is deviating with protocols that vary according to the convenience of leaders (EFE)
In times of covid-19, vaccines are worth saving lives and must be applied to that priority purpose. Corruption is deviating with protocols that vary according to the convenience of leaders (EFE)
The cited book explains the nations earn income, competition, adopting the same rules for all people and times. Fair, durable and true standards.
Vaccination crisis
In times of covid-19, vaccines are worth saving lives and must be applied to that priority purpose. Corruption is deviating with protocols that vary as appropriate to leaders. Now they decide to vaccinate teachers, privileging a sector at the cost of the deaths and suffering of those who succumb to the virus. They do not acknowledge responsibility for the 51,500 deaths and the daily deaths that vaccines could save.
The vaccination process is corrupted by lack of competition. Of the officials, plans and implementation. They appointed militants from La Cámpora and political sectors, displacing specialized personnel.
The same happens in the economy, with inflation and the greatest loss of income in the region. The Government follows in the footsteps of Don Quixote, invents enemies when facing realities.